2022 Pledge Drive Form

We know that your Pledge is always a balance between what your heart says to contribute and what your pocket book says you can afford. If your circumstances change, you can contact the Treasurer or the Minister at any time to adjust your Pledge.

Beacon is completely funded by the generous donations of our members and friends. Without these generous donations Beacon would cease to exist. During these uncertain times Beacon has been our rock. This has never been more apparent than now when we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. Your contribution ensures that Beacon and its resources are here for us and for others, now and in the future. It is how “We Give Thanks” for this wonderful community.

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We know that your Pledge is always a balance between what your heart says to contribute and what your pocket book says you can afford. If your circumstances change, you can contact the Treasurer or the Minister at any time to adjust your Pledge.